The Amy and Lisa Fund

Donations history

    1999 [no record]              CD-release Concert

    2000 $   0.00                 no concert

    2001 $ 644.00 to MADD         Hali Hammer/Katie Geddes and the Usual Suspects
         $ 644.00 to MBIA
    2002 $  73.00 to MADD         Peter Alsop
         $ 561.00 to MBIA
    2003 $ 143.00 to MBIA         Spring Concert - Mike Fedel and Band w Patti Jarosz/
                                    a la Mode/The Evidence/Lori Lichtman and Jules/Ed Diehl
    2003 $ 161.00 to MADD         Fall Concert "5 Years Further" - Mike Fedel and Band
                                    w John Goodell, Katie Geddes, Patti Jarosz
         $ 220.00 to MBIA
    2004 $   0.00                 Spring - the band played the Eberwhite Graduation